Professional Overview –
Take a moment and view our section on Vendor Due Diligence
In addition to private investigations and fraud examinations, we offer workplace investigations, due diligence reviews, internal investigations, corporate investigations and compliance reviews. We’ve protected many organizations from the unscrupulous. Don’t rely solely on the internet –
Due Diligence
About to consider a partnership? Wish to make a purchase? First, due diligence is a must. Google is not enough. You need a skilled professional looking out for your interests. Next, investment schemes abound. Then, there are those online services. Equally, business transactions demand scrutiny.
Typical scenarios: An “investor” wants to provide you with a large amount of funds. An Instagram ad entices a college student to send money to a bank account. There’s an exclusive opening which guarantees large returns – “there are only a few slots are left.” You’re made an offer to purchase your business. Understand, both the worldly and naïve are prone to becoming a victim. We can balance your internal investigations.
Self-reliance, hope and apathy – often prevents the selection of an outside due diligence firm. It’s important to be informed of risks and threats. The best and brightest get fooled and distress results. Fortunately, we perform not only due diligence for corporate investigations but for individuals as well.
Discoveries we’ve made for our clients include –
- Fraudulent Websites
- Questionable Documents
- Principals with Criminal Convictions
- Fraudulent Entities
- Litigation Issues
- Alias Names
- Financial Distress
- Poor Service Histories
Reliance on reviews can omit serious problems. A gut instinct can mislead you. These are conditions you just can’t find by an internet search. Finally, no matter where you’re at, speak with us.
Workplace Investigations | Internal Investigations
Ever growing evidence points to the need for internal investigations to be performed by an unbiased party. Courts may take a suspicious view of certain complaints handled by internal company representatives. You need credibility. A skilled neutral party can bring clarity and integrity to a difficult situation.
Careful, independent workplace investigations can serve everyone fairly. Are you concerned with getting facts or just a quick settlement? Ever growing evidence points to the need for internal investigations to be performed by an unbiased party. Courts may take a dim view of internal investigations to address complaints. Credibility for your company is critical. Therefore, give workplace investigations over to a skilled neutral party. Clarity and integrity are vital in corporate investigations.
*Read about our Experiences and Views on the Importance of Independent Investigations
Corporate Investigations
Once you select us, the fact gathering begins. In addition, we have unique tools not available to other providers. Just a few of our investigative services include –
- Corporate Investigations – Theft, Fraud & Asset Misappropriation
- Employee Misconduct Investigations – Workplace Investigations
- Security Breaches, Risk, Threat & Vulnerability Assessments
- Professional Interviewing & Interrogations
- Detecting Deception & Truth Verification
- Physical Security Assessments
- Proprietary Information Leaks
- Internal Investigation (Compliance Reviews)
- Vendor Due Diligence
- Inspections & Audits
- Forensic Reviews
The above list of corporate investigations is not inclusive. Allow us to complement any collective inquiry you may perform.
Vendor Due Diligence
Make vendor due diligence a part of total protection. We rely on them for products and services, but their actions or a lack thereof, can cause a liability. Even worse, result in a loss. Even long-term servicers should be examined. Perhaps initial vendor due diligence was performed but when is the last time you completed an audit? Exclusive corporate investigations to verify compliance can be performed by our company. Independent studies can give you peace of mind or alert you to concerns. After the investigation is completed, we think you’ll agree, no one is as fair and thorough.

*Gwinnett Business Radio X Interview with Astinel Security & Forensics
*Astinel Security & Forensics is a proud member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners