Atlanta Fraud Investigator | Fraud Risk Assessment | Atlanta Fraud Examinations
As an Atlanta Fraud Investigator, we have several types of reviews available for your situation, from simple to comprehensive. If you’re a decision maker in your organization, you’ll benefit from the very beginning by having a conversation with us. You don’t have to be a victim of fraud. If you suspect a problem, don’t delay.
- Fraud Risk Checkup – A simple, quick and easy spotlight. We take the temperature of your business. It’s better to have a simple review, than none at all.
- Fraud Risk Assessment – Our proprietary fraud risk assessment is designed to identify vulnerabilities you didn’t know existed, prevent embezzlement and deliver an effective prevention strategy. This deep-dive review is likely more than you ever experienced!
- Fraud Examination – The fraud examination is conducted when fraud or embezzlement is suspected or likely. We will organize and prepare the evidence for potential criminal and civil action. A thorough fraud examination is critical for litigation and the recovery of damages.
- Internal Controls – Who set up your controls when you opened your business? How strong are the controls and would you know if they were compromised? Have you had an independent risk assessment performed? Are you relying on hope? There are many good fiscal policies in organizations, but not all have had an inspection from a Certified Fraud Examiner. Chances are, you’re due for an update.
Atlanta Fraud Investigations
Forensic accountants perform important work, but unlike many, we have tools and skills which distinguish us, and can provide a faster closure to your case. While not all situations may rise to the level of fraud, there may be serious risks. Risks, which left unaddressed can cause serious harm. Start a conversation with us – Contact us
* Astinel Security & Forensics Speaks about Financial Fraud in Professional Firms
Workplace Investigations | Corporate Investigations
Careful, independent workplace investigations can serve everyone fairly. Due diligence is a must and you need a skilled professional looking out for your interests. Once you select us, the fact gathering begins. After the investigation is completed, we think you’ll agree no one is as fair and thorough. In addition, we have unique tools not available to other providers. Just a few of our investigative services include –
- Corporate Investigations – Theft, Fraud & Asset Misappropriation
- Workplace Investigations | Employee Misconduct Investigations
- Detecting Deception & Truth Verification
- Security Breaches, Risk, Threat & Vulnerability Assessments
- Corporate Security & Internal Compliance Reviews
- Vendor Compliance Reviews | Inspections & Audits
- Professional Interviewing & Interrogations
Atlanta Due Diligence Investigations
Due diligence when considering vendors, partnerships, the purchase, or yes even the sale of a business, should be paramount. If you have already entered into an agreement, speak with us anyway. Are you considering an investment, business transaction or service from an online source? It’s important to be informed of risks and threats. Don’t allow fear, apathy, self-reliance or embarrassment to delay the decision of using a professional. Read our blogs where we discuss the discovery of fraudulent websites, questionable documents, business principals with criminal convictions, fraudulent entities, litigation issues, alias names, financial distress or a poor service history. These are specific conditions you just can’t find by an internet search or reading a review.
Internal Investigations of Atlanta
Ever growing evidence points to the need for internal investigations to be performed by an unbiased party. Courts may take a suspicious view of certain complaints handled by internal company representatives. You need credibility. A skilled neutral party can bring clarity and integrity to a difficult situation.
Vendor Compliance Reviews | Corporate Security Consultant | Security Compliance
Overall corporate security must include vendor compliance, but when is the last time you checked their compliance? We rely on them for services and products, but their actions or lack of thereof, can cause a liability. Independent verifications, background examinations and studies can give you peace of mind, or alert you to potential issues. Even long term servicers should be examined. Use a corporate security consultant with our expertise and resources.

* View our Article on Embezzlement in the Workplace
Atlanta Private Investigators | Atlanta Legal Investigators
“I’m impressed.” “I didn’t know this service was available.” “I never thought we could get this information.” – These are responses we often hear from attorneys and professionals we serve. Atlanta Private Investigators understands the high demand for excellence. We can help augment most any legal engagement where private investigations and unique skills are needed. If you’re an individual involved in litigation or working with an attorney, we can usually help. Have you been falsely accused of a crime or misconduct? We have unique tools which can be a game changer. Legal investigations are high stakes and the cost of litigation continues to rise. Atlanta Legal Investigators – A professional firm will not over promise. Instead they will provide you with realistic expectations and thoroughly explain services and costs. Like any other service, beware of the low cost provider. Legal investigators should be consummate listeners, licensed, credentialed and fully understand your goals.
Atlanta Asset Searches | Bank Account Searches | Atlanta Judgment Collection Search
Do you need an asset search performed? We specialize in performing bank account searches, locating brokerage accounts, safe deposit boxes and other hidden assets. The asset searches are all performed legally and are in compliance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Seasoned family law, personal injury and civil litigation attorneys understand the benefit of this information. Be careful who you choose! Some who claim to conduct bank account searches are not in compliance with the law. We can also perform asset searches for real estate and other tangible assets. Perhaps you need a judgment collection or to execute a wage garnishment. You need an asset search, but are uncertain where to begin? Contact us
Atlanta Civil Investigations
How do you choose an Atlanta Civil Investigations firm? First, be cautious of ones that advertise the most. Web reviews are nice, but not all are genuine. Look for one that has professional credentials and most of all, don’t be afraid to ask for references from law firms. Each and every testimonial you see on our site is genuine.
Special Investigations
Have a special investigations need? Choose Atlanta Private Investigators who are Certified Fraud Examiners. This can completely change the face of litigation or the crisis you find yourself in. We have a special section on independent investigations found on our blogs which highlight additional skills. Atlanta Private Investigators are common; however, we are anything but common. Look at the genuine feedback we receive from clients. News & Testimonials
* Astinel Security & Forensics Speaks about Financial Fraud in Professional Firms
Atlanta Loss Prevention | Security Loss Prevention Services
Security loss prevention services and asset protection is often an afterthought for a business. Cavalier attitudes tell you differently, but we’ve said many times that accepting losses doesn’t have to be the cost of doing business. Often, a simple risk assessment from a loss prevention services review can result in large savings. More comprehensive audits can add additional value. Allow us to identify your risks and vulnerabilities. An independent party can add clarity. Consider an independent review of –
- Inventory Controls – Organizations may compartmentalize their inventory control functions, when it should be integrated. If you have tangible assets, let us look at your program for protecting, accounting and reconciling. Don’t assume everything will “come out in the wash.” Shrinkage in your organization can, and should be reduced. If you’re a third party provider, talk to us about a review.
- Loss Prevention Program – Does your company want to start a loss prevention program, or hire a professional for the first time? Perhaps you have an existing program in place but it’s not providing the results you want. We have a special presentation for companies and organizations who are considering the start of a program, but don’t know where to begin. An independent review of your current program by an unbiased party can provide unique insight. Whatever position your company is in, we can offer consulting services based on actual real life experience.
Loss Prevention Investigator | Auditor | Risk Assessment
We have skilled security loss prevention investigators available, and a suite of risk assessment reviews. Ask us about –
- General & Specific Audits – No matter what industry your in we can help. Your organization may be highly specialized. Even if you feel your operation is running smoothly, get a second opinion. If you suspect something is not right, don’t delay. We can conduct a general or laser specific review. Contact us
Atlanta Physical Security Specialist | Physical Security Reviews | Physical Security Audits
Physical security audits and physical security reviews are designed to look at your entire physical security program. This includes the intrusion detection systems, access controls, related processes and procedures. Want to know what your physical security culture is? A thorough physical security specialist will deliver a realistic view. For instance, a weak physical security program can allow vulnerabilities in other areas. Our reviews can be customized for any environment. While beneficial in itself, check with your insurance agent to see if your business qualifies for reduced premiums. Use this type of service and other available services for blended comprehensive protection. Anyone can boast about years of experience. See how thorough our work is. While our knowledge is extensive, we will use other professionals for peer reviews to ensure you get the best information possible.
Burglary Prevention & Detection
It sounds simple, but burglary prevention and detection may not be implemented in the most effective way. Often simple solutions exist which will dramatically increase your detection rates and reduce your risk. Some burglary prevention solutions are not as costly as you might think while others may require an investment. We consider budgets along with the probability of occurrence. As a result, only thoughtful recommendations are suggested and not expensive alternatives.

Atlanta Fraud Prevention
We conduct fraud prevention and loss prevention training for the small business or we can offer assistance to the established program. Consider this routine maintenance for your organization or for the start-up, a foundation for a strong beginning.
Our topics include
- Fraud Prevention in the Workplace
- Ethics Training – Practical, Situational and Leadership
- Financial Controls
- Risk Reduction, Asset Protection and Loss Prevention Training
- Physical Security and Safety
Atlanta Ethics Training
We tailor training for executives, managers or line level associates. If you would like a customized training session on a specific topic, let us know.
Atlanta Fraud Speakers
Requests for our speaking services have increased and we are all too glad to accept. We try to use real life case examples to better connect with our audience. We are happy to speak at small and large gatherings, along with your special member organization.
* Astinel Security & Forensics Speaks about Financial Fraud in Professional Firms