GA Private Investigator | GAPPI Member | ACFE Member

GA Private Investigator
If you’ve read this far, you understand our passion for truth and inquiries. Allow us to inspect your business, serve your law firm or talk about your personal legal matter. Call or email us for a meeting. After hours and weekend appointments are possible. As a GA private investigator and proud GAPPI member, we serve Atlanta and most parts of the state.
Private Investigations
Security Audits
Unlike some, we have a number of tools to assess your risks, threats and vulnerabilities. Thorough security audits with proper mitigation, can save your business from a serious loss. Don’t allow fear or uncertainty to delay your decision. Delays in decision making, can be costly. Click on our services tab at the top of the page and if you don’t see something you need, contact us anyway. We have a suite of offerings and comprehensive network of professionals. Adopt a private investigator, if nothing else for the research benefits.
The Insider Threat
For most organizations, the greatest threats are from within and we emphasize this in our speaking engagements. Often, we are asked the question, “Who can you trust?” The answer is that trust is fine and necessary. More importantly, the missing component is that most organizations fail to put in the proper controls, fail to follow up and don’t communicate the importance of an honest workplace. They find it difficult to have critical conversations. Finally, having a GA private investigator | GAPPI member on call, gives you an edge. Talk to us about speaking at your organization.
* Astinel Security & Forensics Speaks about Financial Fraud in Professional Firms